Thursday, April 29, 2010

baths and two hours

In autumn, when it started heating season, ideal for quenching your apartment will be. Just open the window wide, let fall fresh (which will eventually become the winter) and wait until the thermometer does not fall to 20 degrees. Then close the window (so that no drafts) and quickly take off your things - for a better start to the waist. You can lie, sit or anything to do, the main thing is - once again feel a sense of comfort. If the skin turns pink, it becomes warmer, it means to develop resistance to colds.
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However, sitting up in such a form is initially not more than 15 minutes. And only gradually increase the duration of air baths and two hours, and the air temperature in the room to lower (up to 15 degrees). The appearance of "goose skin" - a signal to the dressing. Pay attention! If it's wet, it's spitting rain and air in the room is very humid, reduce by one third during the procedure. "Rainy" air bath cools the skin is much more intense, and it can knock you out of the schedule and lead to hardening of the common cold.