Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cartoons. Harm or benefit?

Cartoons. Harm or benefit?

Cartoons ... Most of the first 'picture' in mind Levitra 20 Mg Tablets everyone will be fond memories of carefree childhood, his parents' house, unfulfilled dreams of fabulous ... Many of us, becoming an adult, not against it, and now Generic Levitra India look at a favorite childhood cartoon, and to restore at least a few minutes in a fairy-tale magic of childhood. And what can we say about the children!

Parents, teachers, psychologists ask: What impact Levitra From India does the cartoon on the child? What are the cartoons look better, foreign or domestic? Should we watch the kids animated movies?

Consider one of the poles of the cartoon - its usefulness. Animated films are not excist children love. They are Levitra Without Prescription bright, entertaining, figurative, on the one hand, and simple, unobtrusive, accessible, on the other. According to its educational and developmental properties are close to the game, a fairy tale, a living Cialis Vs Levitra conversation. Many cartoons are instructive, suggest the baby as it would be better to do in a given situation, tell him that happens to people who tease, peach, greedy. Thus, though warns the child from falling into a similar Cheap Levitra Online situation (going to share with others - you and I are friends, and therefore does not offend, etc.). If you watch the cartoon on this side - it just does not seem harmful, but even the opposite. Animation like to help parents in the upbringing. Children also gives a small experience of life on the example of heroes.

cartoons, however, many of us already know the opinion that the cartoons "brainwashed", "zombiruyut, develop Levitra For Sale aggressive in our children. And there is a confirmation. Most of all negative blamed on foreign cartoons. For example, Tom and Jerry, where they endlessly throw off each other off buildings, beaten with a shovel on the head, drowned in the ocean, etc. However, this behavior is the heroes Buy Cialis and Soviet cartoons. Take, for example, Well, wait a minute, where the wolf bezkontsa eager to eat the hare, and he in turn is not less cruel revenge.

What is already talking about those cartoons, the plot of which, to say "poor". Heroes terribly silly, some Levitra Drug even just ugly. Many of today's cartoons are constructed psychologically, educationally and ethically illiterate. They do not have a completely no sense, except for the brutality, ruthlessness, aggression and impunity.

What is the output from this situation? Prevent your child to watch cartoons at all? In this case the baggage of his experience will be much poorer than the knowledge resources of another child. Carefully monitor what a child watches? But how to choose those cartoons, which are necessary for your child? Almost every one is as an example of evil and good, regardless of the country's producers of cartoons.

multfilmyRoditelyam, above all, it must learn one rule: whatever cartoon you have chosen to view - see it with your child! Respond Levitra Reviews to questions in parallel. And on its completion - need to discuss it. What exactly understand the child? Why does the main character did just that? Was it right to conduct "negative" hero? What would happen if his actions again in life? Etc.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Лечение голоданием

Применение приводимых в рубрике рецептов, лекарственных средств, настоек из лекарственных растений и иных лекарственных форм, а также каких-либо иных методов лечения возможно только после обсуждения с лечащим врачом.

Применение приводимых в рубрике рецептов, лекарственных средств, настоек из лекарственных растений и иных лекарственных форм, а также каких-либо иных методов лечения возможно только после обсуждения с лечащим врачом.

Об этом известно с незапамятных времён – о возможности излечения от тяжких болезней методом лечебного голодания. Об этом за многие века написаны сотни томов. Наша отечественная медицина долгое время относилась к этому методу со скепсисом – оно и понятно, нашим академикам тоже хотелось кушать, а для этого надо было, чтобы об испытанных методах лечения знали поменьше, а о горстях таблеток - побольше. И то, исключительно о тех горстях, которые отсыпаются из их рук. Всё это так понятно... Но непременно должен заметить, что применять лечебное голодание, тем более, когда целью ставится исцеление от недуга, можно и нужно только под контролем знающего все особенности метода опытного врача.

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А как здоровым людям – нужно ли это голодание?
Не будем изобретать то, что уже давно известно. Среди врачей давно известен лечебник доктора Павла Михайловича Куреннова, где он пишет следующее: «История указывает, что голодание, то есть полное воздержание от пищи, рекомендовалось издавна и является частью обрядов трёх великих религий: Христианской, Буддийской и Магометанской. Библия говорит нам, что Христос постился сорок суток, а у магометан ежегодный пост «Рамадан» продолжается месяц... Более двух тысяч лет тому назад лечение голодом было предписано философом Аскрепидом. Во многих древних писаниях индусских и китайских часто рекомендуется то же... Махатма Ганди, великий духовный вождь Индии, постился часто и подолгу. В своих записках он предписывает лечение голодом не только для тела, но и как средство умственного и духовного развития человека. Великий арабский лекарь Авиценна часто предписывал голодание своим пациентам.»

Во время голода процессы освобождения и очищения происходят гораздо быстрее. Жизненная сила, которая обыкновенно тратится на пищеварение, расходуется тогда на удаление из организма нежелательных тканей. Вот мысль, которую рекомендуется усвоить пациенту: «каждый раз, когда вы пропустили приём пищи, уничтожается болезнь... Тело человека можно сравнить с машиной окисления. За 24 часа в нём сгорает 400 граммов жира. Если мы прекратим подачу «топлива», организм сразу же меняет процесс своего снабжения за счёт запасов, ... при этом употребляет в качестве топлива больные ткани и частицы, наименее нужные организму, ... без всякого ущерба для здоровья». Вдумайтесь в эти слова, пожалуйста. Прочтите снова и снова. И продумайте их.

Есть ещё врачи, которые глубоко понимают суть своей необыкновенной профессии – нести людям свет знаний о своём здоровье, о возможностях укрепления оного, о здоровом образе жизни. К сожалению, большинство врачей ныне понимают смысл своей деятельности лишь схематическое назначение тех или иных лекарственных препаратов при том или ином заболевании. При этом зачастую не составляя себе труда даже ознакомиться с фармакокинетикой и фармакодинамикой того или иного лекарственного препарата, задуматься над течением того или иного заболевания у конкретного больного. На это у многих моих коллег нет ни сил, ни желания (государство никак не стимулирует ни желание врача повышать свою квалификацию, ни его стремление жить лучше – в простом человеческом плане – вкуснее кушать, мягче спать, ездить и смотреть на мир). Я немного отвлёкся... Всё о наболевшем – о жизни врача в родной стране...

Так вот те врачи, кто ещё не утратили способность мыслить, рекомендуют здоровым людям отказ от пищи в течение 1-го дня в неделю. В этот голодный день не следует принимать ничего, кроме чистой или минеральной воды – пить воду надо тогда, когда захочется. И помнить при этом, что голодный день надо начинать с клизмы... Да-да, с очищения кишки обычной очистительной клизмой.
Вот так.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

baths and two hours

In autumn, when it started heating season, ideal for quenching your apartment will be. Just open the window wide, let fall fresh (which will eventually become the winter) and wait until the thermometer does not fall to 20 degrees. Then close the window (so that no drafts) and quickly take off your things - for a better start to the waist. You can lie, sit or anything to do, the main thing is - once again feel a sense of comfort. If the skin turns pink, it becomes warmer, it means to develop resistance to colds.
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However, sitting up in such a form is initially not more than 15 minutes. And only gradually increase the duration of air baths and two hours, and the air temperature in the room to lower (up to 15 degrees). The appearance of "goose skin" - a signal to the dressing. Pay attention! If it's wet, it's spitting rain and air in the room is very humid, reduce by one third during the procedure. "Rainy" air bath cools the skin is much more intense, and it can knock you out of the schedule and lead to hardening of the common cold.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Solden (Austria), without a doubt, one of the best ski resorts in the world, ensuring a natural snow from December to April, and on the glacier and do - all year round. The soft fluffy snow, the fresh alpine air, excellent quality routes and high level of service did Solden favorite destination for tourists from around the world who want to spend your free time for the benefit of body and soul.


In Sölden more than three dozen hotels. Level 3-4 * Star Ratings, there are also luxury "five", for example, the Hotel Central SPA Hotel Solden. But, if the average cost of accommodation at the hotel 3-4 * (Parkhotel, Hotel Valentine, Garhi Bruno, Tyrol, Garni Granat, Garni Post, Hochsolden, Alpina, Tyrolerhof, Liebe Sonne, Sunny) will amount to 50-60 € per day per person, then for a room at Central SPA Hotel Solden will lay from 720 €. Apartments in hotel 3-4 * - for 2-4 persons up to 100 € per night per person. As for the stay at the chalet, the dispersion of prices in Sölden is very large: from 8400 € to 152,000 € for a week stay.

Skis, boots and sticks ... The main thing - the lift!

As usual in all the European resorts, the cost of goods and services in Sölden is determined in euros. At low cost we can not count, but it may be noted that prices for the Austrian ski resort of this level, as Solden, quite acceptable. Thus, the cost of a one-day ski pass for an adult will cost 41/42.5 € (low and high season respectively). Children's ski pass 27 €, for adolescents (16 years) - 34 €, for older people - 36 €. Ski pass for 6 days will cost 190.5 and 212 € for an adult in the low and high season respectively. Ski pass for a teenager - 147.5 €, child 114.5 €, for an elderly person (age 75) - 175 €. Speaking about the low and high season, it is worth noting that the low season in Sölden runs from 08.01-23.01 and 04.04 - 01.05. And the high season 24.12 - 07.01 and 24.01 - 03.04. Rent ski equipment for one day an average of 23 €, for snowboard will have to lay out 32 €, rental of equipment for 6 days was 118 and 156 € for skiing and snowboarding, respectively. Children's skis at 1 and 6 days will cost 16 and 78 €.

Kindergarten and school for adults

For families traveling to Solden with young children, provide nurseries. You can leave a child who has already turned 2 years (for younger kids you can hire a nanny). Services tutors, residence time in the garden, including the cost of food - 56 €. Meanwhile, parents and children older than 6 years are free for long "to get it", or rather, to stand on skis. Children's school with a course of study in 6 days (4 hours daily) - 200 €. Group lessons for adults: 47 and 51 € - Skiing and Snowboarding (1 day), 150/160 € - for 6 days. For those who want go in individually - please! One individual lesson will cost an average of 50 €, but not for half a day, and for 1 hour. In total, Sölden has about 250 instructors, some of whom are Russian-speaking staff.

Meal would

The question of catering to tourists Sölden no problem: 90 restaurants, all offering world cuisine for every taste and budget, an excellent job of tasty feed the tired riders. Especially popular Italian restaurants in Sölden, which can be found even on the mountain Giggiyoh. Lunch, including drink (beer or a glass of wine) would cost an average of 20 €. Dinner (1 person) - 30 €. A bottle of Austrian wine - from 18 to 35 €. Especially tourists love the local mulled wine - 3,8 € for a glass of wine.
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Possible additional costs

Taxi from Sölden to Hohzeldena - 20-30 €, up from Sölden Ötztal - 50-60 €. Taxi for those wishing to visit Innsbruck - 100-120 €. Leisure in Sölden at an altitude too, and therefore should provide and possible costs of après-ski: going to the movies, discos, strip bars and night-show programs - significantly "beat" on the budget. The most popular in Sölden are two institutions Lawine and Bla-Bla. Prices here, in spite of that, it is democratic. Well, wishing to learn than skiing, snowboarding, skating and more Solden offers to visit an open ice rink. Adult ticket price - 6 €, baby - 3 €.

Rental skates - 3 €. You can play and curling, and bowling, and even hockey (if you compile command). In a word, bored vacationers in Sölden absolutely no time. Incidentally, today's young people are already planning their winter vacation, a night club "Dominique Blah Blah", that most kreselki on Hohzelden - annually attracts young people from all over the world. Moreover, when quite democratic prices for accommodation in a cozy "troechki", the level of service here at the highest level. For those who are ready to dance after riding up to the after party, best resort just do not find.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Do you still believe that you are in fine form, despite the excesses of food, sedentary lifestyle and little ways in the form of a pair of cigarettes under a glass of good cognac? You still putting off going to the gym under the pretext that bought five years ago, the jeans are still fastened? Then do some simple tests, and if your confidence remains unshaken - bravo!


Let's start with the fact that we define the type of its constitution and then, how broad your bone. Take sartorial meter and measure the wrist working hands.

Wrist circumference less than 16 cm - you astenik, a man with a narrow and light bones.

The circumference of the wrist was 16-19 cm - you normostenik, a person with normal body balance, the average bone and normally developed musculature.

The circumference of your wrist more than 19 cm - you giperstenik, someone with big bones, excessive roundness, and a tendency to accumulate fat mass.

Calculate BMI by dividing weight in kilograms divided by the squared height in meters. For example, if your height of 1 meter 70 centimeters and weighs 70 kilograms, divide 70 by 1, 7 × 1, 7 (2, 89). Get a BMI of 24. Not lukavte least to itself.

BMI less than 20 - you'd be better or eat, or get some muscle mass.

BMI of 20 to 25 - you're in good shape.

BMI of 25 to 30 - it's time to give yourself a little attention, being overweight, most likely,

present. Is that you - a typical giperstenik, then perhaps your weight corresponds to the norm.

BMI above 30 - no matter how painful to hear, but your result is indicative of obesity.

BMI above 40 - a high degree of obesity, seriously dangerous for your health.

Silushka heroic
Pick up ordinary scales, pull in front of him and with the power squeeze, remembering what appears in this weight.

Less than 35 kg - you typically weak creation. As you crying gym.

From 35 to 60 kg - your hands are definitely strong. Maintain a result.

Over 60 kg - you just did an iron grip!

Subcutaneous fat

This figure also says a lot about your health (and appearance!). Take an ordinary student line, pull the arm fat fold on the belly and measure it.

Less than 3 cm - you're in good shape, the risk of diabetes is low.

More than 3 cm - time for you to do sports!

Fiery motor
Spend two simple heart test to determine how well your main body.

1. To start the morning right after awakening, without getting out of bed, measure the pulse.

Less than 55 characters - to your heart works as a fail-safe mechanism.

From 55 to 65 beats - you can be proud of their physical form.

Approximately 70 beats per minute - it's time to do training the cardiovascular system.

More than 80 beats per minute - pay attention to their health, tied with harmful

habits and at least start walking.

2. Measure the pulse for a minute at rest and record the result marked P1.

Do 30 sit-ups for 40-45 seconds, and immediately measure the pulse again, record the result marked P2. A break a couple of minutes and then measure the pulse, note the marked P3. Calculate the final result of the formula (P1 + P2_P3 - 200): 10 =

From 0 to 5 - you're in excellent shape!

From 5 to 10 - 5 - is the norm, but 10 - is a mediocre result. If your figure tends to 10 - to urgently buy subscription to a fitness club.

From 10 to 15 - your heart needs attention, and a sedentary lifestyle is no one brought to the good.

Lightness of Being
Take a deep breath through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth, sucking in his stomach, and barricade, how long you can hold on exhalation.

More than 20 seconds - to charge a one point.

Less than 20 seconds - assess yourself 0 points.

In the fast pace climb up the stairs, counted 3.4 flight.

If you have a very slight shortness of breath - assess yourself 1 point.

If you need time to recover - assess yourself 0 points.

You scored 2 points - your lungs are working normally.

You scored 1 point - keep in mind that breathing can take you to the most crucial moment.

You scored 0 points - immediately stop smoking and become the skis!

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Flexible birch

Stand straight, feet together, bend forward without bending your knees at the same time, as low as possible.

If you can touch the floor with your fingers - assess yourself 1 point.

If you reach the floor unrealistic - 0 points.

Sit on the floor and dilute straight legs as much as possible to the side, now lean forward as much as possible.

If you can put on the floor, torso and head, assess yourself 1 point.

If you can put your elbows on the floor only - 0 points.

In standing, hold your arms up and back.

Elbows are at the level of the neck, or even go for it - 1 point.

Elbows can not withdraw back on the ears - 0 points.

Lie on your back, lift one leg completely straight, while the second should

remain the same on the floor. Slowly pull the leg with his hands raised to his chest.

The elevated foot makes with the body angle is less than 90 degrees - 1 point.

The elevated foot makes with the torso angle greater than 90 degrees - 0 points.

Calculate the amount of points, and what it is, the younger and more flexible your body. And if you managed to collect too few points, it is an occasion to think about.

Vestibular apparatus
Stand in the pose of the "swallow", as in childhood: his hands apart, body slightly forward, his leg raised as high as possible, but bearing little prisognuta.

You can easily hold the position - 1 point.

You pull forward to fall - 0 points.

Draw with chalk on the pavement in a straight line, close your eyes and try to pass on it.

In 5-7 steps, open your eyes and see how you "gone off course.

You practically coincided with his "path" - 1 point.

Gone astray - 0 points.

Now try proprygat on one leg on the same line.

You easily can gallop there and back, as a child - 1 point.

You always puts aside - 0 points.

Stand in the pose herons (hand in hand, bent leg rests a foot on his knee, supporting

feet) and barricade, how long you can hold in this position.

More than 10 seconds - 1 point.

Less than 10 seconds - 0 points.

The more points you type, the less reason to worry for your vestibular apparatus. But if the result is far from brilliant, then perform all these exercises at least

3 times a week, and the situation improve.

In this article will not conclusions: you do them yourself, on the basis of those figures that you have turned out. Only you decide when the time comes for decisive action. Just do not be lazy to check how your body shape really suits your ideas about it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

study abroad

Study Abroad - is not only new knowledge, experiences and opportunities. Typically, it is still solid and tuition fees. Is there a chance not to pay? Yes - get a grant.

So, you decided to get a grant and conquer, at whatever cost, Cambridge or the Sorbonne. Such grandiose event requires appropriate training. Whatever the fund or organization you are not contacted, you will need anywhere from a clear idea of why you need a grant, and how ambitious you use it to pursue. So, before you start looking for a suitable foundation or scholarship program, please reply (preferably in writing) to two questions:

What did you learn?

It should clearly define the special (and its title), as well as with the theme of the diploma, you will be prepared in the learning process. Those who are going abroad to engage in scientific research, should be submitted to the relevant organization a clear and well thought out title of the topic of scientific research, as well as a detailed description of what is planned to take to achieve scientific results.

In which country to study?

Select a country learning may depend, primarily, on how it developed in the area you wish knowledge. Also of no small importance will be and how the foreign language you speak.

Almost all of the program impose on applicants two main requirements: good academic progress and proficiency. Therefore worth thinking about the progress and obtaining an international certificate confirming the level of language proficiency. The presence of such a document - not always a requirement for receiving the grant, however, to enter into any Western university or graduate school, regardless of who you are going to finance, an official confirmation of language proficiency required.


All categories of applicants must submit:

-autobiographical data;
-clear and legible address leaf.

Typically, sets of documents - with the exception of letters of recommendation - required to give a few (usually three or four) copies.

Organizations that provide grants, a lot. First of all, foreign government organizations, national programs and funds. The first are not limited to any one area of expertise and can cover the humanities, natural sciences and economic disciplines. Often they are patronized by the government of any country or acting on behalf of its scientific community. For example, Gustave Eiffel scholarships for graduate students in the age of 35 can be obtained by contacting the department of culture and scientific-technical cooperation of the French Embassy.

In turn, Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs, whether it is "Annual scholarships for third-year students of economic specialties" and grants "Mikhail Lomonosov", calculated on the Russian post-graduate technical courses.

French analogue - DAAD EduFrance, providing information about the Franco-Russian programs, which differ both in professions and level of education alleged applicants (undergraduate and graduate students, and others)

Distributed funds are not tied so tightly to a particular group of countries. They carry out "delivery" of students in universities around the world. Their goals are fundamentally different. For example, the Ford Foundation seeks to align with the educational opportunities, paying particular attention to applicants from the province or experiencing certain difficulties in obtaining education (eg, refugees). But the German Konrad Adenauer tries to encourage the political activity of students from different countries.

Another possibility to get financial aid - scholarships to be granted. For example, the Austrian Ernst Mach stipend for graduate students is given for a period of 2 to 9 months. The application form for this scholarship can be taken in the offices of the Republic of Austria or print from the site


Provide any grant is based on the competition - competition, the winner of which becomes the most dedicated. Not without reason, in addition to "academic success and language skills, especially appreciated grantors ambitious applicants. In fact, all this means the need to prove that you deserve to get this money. To do this, the organizers propose to write a cover letter or a short essay in which you want to submit all their achievements, strengths and educational or research plans. The latter implies under a clearly defined purpose of your stay at the university of the country.

In addition, attention is drawn and to the so-called social activity of the applicant - his ability to show leadership and organizational skills. Therefore, it would be nice to have experience of volunteer work in summer camps, social projects and environmental organizations. At worst, you can specify the active participation in public life of the mother institution.


If you do not break the preparatory work - safely begin to take practical steps:

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Find out in advance the dates of the competition. Often start in the middle of autumn. Information can be obtained from the foundations and organizations, online or print media.

Apply all necessary documents. This can be done in person, bringing them to the office or send by courier or by mail. Electronically or by fax official documents often are not accepted. Remember that at the stage of selecting correctly compiled application - your second person. On how accurately you follow all the instructions and requirements depend on the continued participation in the program.

Get ready for that contest is conducted in several stages. Consideration of the documents provided by the Commission and the selection of candidates for an interview - only "semi-finals." After the interview, which may include a test of knowledge of foreign language documents-seeker "finalists" are sent to the head office of the company. And there is their final approval. Thus, the contest could drag on for four months.

Before you go through the training, by necessity, short-term foreign language courses. Most often, they organized the program itself is already in place, ie in the country of study, unless, of course, a certain level of knowledge was not a sine qua non of the participation in the contest.

What then?

In fact, the essence of the grant is that the organization selects the winner of a contest, a predetermined amount (eg, the program is ready to provide Chevening fellows 20 000 pounds). First of all, these funds go to pay for education. In addition, the organization often takes over and all costs associated with accommodation, meals and air travel student.

However, the grant does not always mean that you will automatically be enrolled in one or another course in foreign university. Often, students are invited to withstand the very entrance tests along with other applicants. For example, the Ford Foundation gives applicants a year for the surrender of the relevant examinations. In the case of the failure of grant withdrawn.

Selection of specific universities usually remains with the organizers of the program. Their list can be designated in advance, the initial conditions of obtaining the grant. Such a rule is set, for example, for the project participants of student exchange and scholarship programs Muskie, led by the American Board of International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX). Only universities approved by the U.S. Department of State and IREX, have the right to host the program of student exchange. The institution is selected in accordance with the specialization party.

The documents accompanying the application for a grant (for students):

on-line application form (application form) organization (often available for download on the site grantors)
-certified copy of school certificate and record-books (possibly translated into English or another language)
-letters of recommendation (usually two or three)
-cover letter or a short essay explaining why you should be there

The documents accompanying the application for a grant (for graduate students):

-copy of the diploma (of course, with excellent or good ratings)
documentary-assurance experience in the chosen specialty (time may vary typically 1-2 years)
-a statement of research intentions, list of publications, an invitation from a scientist in a foreign university (the specific conditions depend on the program)
-letters of recommendation from an educational institution and from the workplace

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