Thursday, March 11, 2010

study abroad

Study Abroad - is not only new knowledge, experiences and opportunities. Typically, it is still solid and tuition fees. Is there a chance not to pay? Yes - get a grant.

So, you decided to get a grant and conquer, at whatever cost, Cambridge or the Sorbonne. Such grandiose event requires appropriate training. Whatever the fund or organization you are not contacted, you will need anywhere from a clear idea of why you need a grant, and how ambitious you use it to pursue. So, before you start looking for a suitable foundation or scholarship program, please reply (preferably in writing) to two questions:

What did you learn?

It should clearly define the special (and its title), as well as with the theme of the diploma, you will be prepared in the learning process. Those who are going abroad to engage in scientific research, should be submitted to the relevant organization a clear and well thought out title of the topic of scientific research, as well as a detailed description of what is planned to take to achieve scientific results.

In which country to study?

Select a country learning may depend, primarily, on how it developed in the area you wish knowledge. Also of no small importance will be and how the foreign language you speak.

Almost all of the program impose on applicants two main requirements: good academic progress and proficiency. Therefore worth thinking about the progress and obtaining an international certificate confirming the level of language proficiency. The presence of such a document - not always a requirement for receiving the grant, however, to enter into any Western university or graduate school, regardless of who you are going to finance, an official confirmation of language proficiency required.


All categories of applicants must submit:

-autobiographical data;
-clear and legible address leaf.

Typically, sets of documents - with the exception of letters of recommendation - required to give a few (usually three or four) copies.

Organizations that provide grants, a lot. First of all, foreign government organizations, national programs and funds. The first are not limited to any one area of expertise and can cover the humanities, natural sciences and economic disciplines. Often they are patronized by the government of any country or acting on behalf of its scientific community. For example, Gustave Eiffel scholarships for graduate students in the age of 35 can be obtained by contacting the department of culture and scientific-technical cooperation of the French Embassy.

In turn, Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs, whether it is "Annual scholarships for third-year students of economic specialties" and grants "Mikhail Lomonosov", calculated on the Russian post-graduate technical courses.

French analogue - DAAD EduFrance, providing information about the Franco-Russian programs, which differ both in professions and level of education alleged applicants (undergraduate and graduate students, and others)

Distributed funds are not tied so tightly to a particular group of countries. They carry out "delivery" of students in universities around the world. Their goals are fundamentally different. For example, the Ford Foundation seeks to align with the educational opportunities, paying particular attention to applicants from the province or experiencing certain difficulties in obtaining education (eg, refugees). But the German Konrad Adenauer tries to encourage the political activity of students from different countries.

Another possibility to get financial aid - scholarships to be granted. For example, the Austrian Ernst Mach stipend for graduate students is given for a period of 2 to 9 months. The application form for this scholarship can be taken in the offices of the Republic of Austria or print from the site


Provide any grant is based on the competition - competition, the winner of which becomes the most dedicated. Not without reason, in addition to "academic success and language skills, especially appreciated grantors ambitious applicants. In fact, all this means the need to prove that you deserve to get this money. To do this, the organizers propose to write a cover letter or a short essay in which you want to submit all their achievements, strengths and educational or research plans. The latter implies under a clearly defined purpose of your stay at the university of the country.

In addition, attention is drawn and to the so-called social activity of the applicant - his ability to show leadership and organizational skills. Therefore, it would be nice to have experience of volunteer work in summer camps, social projects and environmental organizations. At worst, you can specify the active participation in public life of the mother institution.


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Find out in advance the dates of the competition. Often start in the middle of autumn. Information can be obtained from the foundations and organizations, online or print media.

Apply all necessary documents. This can be done in person, bringing them to the office or send by courier or by mail. Electronically or by fax official documents often are not accepted. Remember that at the stage of selecting correctly compiled application - your second person. On how accurately you follow all the instructions and requirements depend on the continued participation in the program.

Get ready for that contest is conducted in several stages. Consideration of the documents provided by the Commission and the selection of candidates for an interview - only "semi-finals." After the interview, which may include a test of knowledge of foreign language documents-seeker "finalists" are sent to the head office of the company. And there is their final approval. Thus, the contest could drag on for four months.

Before you go through the training, by necessity, short-term foreign language courses. Most often, they organized the program itself is already in place, ie in the country of study, unless, of course, a certain level of knowledge was not a sine qua non of the participation in the contest.

What then?

In fact, the essence of the grant is that the organization selects the winner of a contest, a predetermined amount (eg, the program is ready to provide Chevening fellows 20 000 pounds). First of all, these funds go to pay for education. In addition, the organization often takes over and all costs associated with accommodation, meals and air travel student.

However, the grant does not always mean that you will automatically be enrolled in one or another course in foreign university. Often, students are invited to withstand the very entrance tests along with other applicants. For example, the Ford Foundation gives applicants a year for the surrender of the relevant examinations. In the case of the failure of grant withdrawn.

Selection of specific universities usually remains with the organizers of the program. Their list can be designated in advance, the initial conditions of obtaining the grant. Such a rule is set, for example, for the project participants of student exchange and scholarship programs Muskie, led by the American Board of International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX). Only universities approved by the U.S. Department of State and IREX, have the right to host the program of student exchange. The institution is selected in accordance with the specialization party.

The documents accompanying the application for a grant (for students):

on-line application form (application form) organization (often available for download on the site grantors)
-certified copy of school certificate and record-books (possibly translated into English or another language)
-letters of recommendation (usually two or three)
-cover letter or a short essay explaining why you should be there

The documents accompanying the application for a grant (for graduate students):

-copy of the diploma (of course, with excellent or good ratings)
documentary-assurance experience in the chosen specialty (time may vary typically 1-2 years)
-a statement of research intentions, list of publications, an invitation from a scientist in a foreign university (the specific conditions depend on the program)
-letters of recommendation from an educational institution and from the workplace

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