The desire to teach their offspring all kinds of sciences are at preschool age was kind of the new time.
Previously, the children did not steal childhood and even in school tried to send with seven rather than six, but now everything has changed. Already in the kindergarten child can read and write, studying foreign languages, acquainted with the computer. However, if this is harmless for the young, growing organism?
It turns out that an additional pre-school education is contrary to the natural development of the child's mental and physical terms. Among other things, this puts the baby in a different position - now it's the student and must do homework and unquestioningly obey the teacher, with whom relations are formalized. It is with the teacher can talk freely about anything. But now stop - you're an adult.
Svetlana Belnikova, professor of pedagogy and psychology of Vladivostok Teachers College N № 2, explained that such changes are selected the most important value of preschool age - a game. And psychologists have lobbied hard to convince - better to play than study. Many parents are wrong to think that in the game and communicating with peers a child only loses time. In fact, he learns to listen, to express their thoughts, to dream, draw, and much more. These skills are very valuable in the school. Do not forget that the whole pre-school child has to live interesting, comfortable and emotionally saturated.
Nevertheless, parents decide everything else - to learn and only learn! But not everyone knows that, went to school, the child does not have to be able to read and write. The program of the kindergarten was not built teaching such skills, so the requirements of a school teacher in this regard are unfounded. The mentality and thinking of the child should grow gradually, so you should not overload the child before the time of knowledge. There is one more very important point - can not teach a child to read without learning to write. These two processes must be linked. And since the hand only to six years in a sufficiently developed to be able to write, then reading should be taught only after six.
Physical activity on the growing organism and can not speak. The child has not yet sufficiently developed osteo-muscular system, so long sitting behind a desk can lead to curvature of the spine is fragile. Moreover, if your baby is right-handed, he will have to climb right shoulder, if left-handed - left. So many children come to school with scoliosis. From a lengthy reading and writing will be tired eyes, because eye muscles are also still not improved. The result of these pressures can become blurred vision. And according to statistics, only five percent of first graders sit at the desk completely healthy.
No less damaging to the young organism causes and early fascination with computers. Preschool child is allowed to be with him only 10-20 minutes a week. And what can you teach a child in such a short time? Of course, anything, so should not even start.
Caution should approach the study of foreign languages. If baby bilingual parents, you can teach him freely. In two or three years, the child easily learns foreign languages. Learning with a teacher should only be undertaken if the child will have a chance to continue school and primary school. After one year without employment means loss of knowledge and money made for training.
Equally important, those involved with your child. Elementary school teacher who comes to kindergarten, not always familiar with the basics of pre-school pedagogy, so it is difficult sometimes to find the right approach to every kid. In addition, the child does not immediately get used to the new man. In this regard, it is better that the children watched and worked with them one and the same person. This form is widely used school-garden. Child after kindergarten starts primary school in his native walls. In such circumstances it is easier to perceive the school curriculum.
Another fad phenomenon - to give their offspring a specialized kindergarten, where you have to be from Monday to Friday. It has its pluses and minuses. The bad news is that the child will rarely see their parents, communication with which to him is very important. But you can not worry: the child will be attentive care, he will receive a hot meal, will be sanitary procedures. Nevertheless, caution is worth: some of these agencies base their curriculum on the theories of foreign psychologists and educators. However, many of these programs are not adapted to the Russian mentality, and we should not forget that your child grows and learns in Russia. If you do decide to use the services of a specialized kindergarten, be sure to get the advice of an experienced teacher-psychologist from the side. And then you can be sure that your child will get a decent base of the most elementary knowledge.
In any case, the final word rests with the parents. But we may still not worth pick in children childhood and sit down at the desk ahead of time? Moreover, psychologists advise to do so.
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