Sunday, December 13, 2009

I do not want to learn - I want to get married!

The desire to teach their offspring all kinds of sciences are at preschool age was kind of the new time.
Previously, the children did not steal childhood and even in school tried to send with seven rather than six, but now everything has changed. Already in the kindergarten child can read and write, studying foreign languages, acquainted with the computer. However, if this is harmless for the young, growing organism?

It turns out that an additional pre-school education is contrary to the natural development of the child's mental and physical terms. Among other things, this puts the baby in a different position - now it's the student and must do homework and unquestioningly obey the teacher, with whom relations are formalized. It is with the teacher can talk freely about anything. But now stop - you're an adult.

Svetlana Belnikova, professor of pedagogy and psychology of Vladivostok Teachers College N № 2, explained that such changes are selected the most important value of preschool age - a game. And psychologists have lobbied hard to convince - better to play than study. Many parents are wrong to think that in the game and communicating with peers a child only loses time. In fact, he learns to listen, to express their thoughts, to dream, draw, and much more. These skills are very valuable in the school. Do not forget that the whole pre-school child has to live interesting, comfortable and emotionally saturated.

Nevertheless, parents decide everything else - to learn and only learn! But not everyone knows that, went to school, the child does not have to be able to read and write. The program of the kindergarten was not built teaching such skills, so the requirements of a school teacher in this regard are unfounded. The mentality and thinking of the child should grow gradually, so you should not overload the child before the time of knowledge. There is one more very important point - can not teach a child to read without learning to write. These two processes must be linked. And since the hand only to six years in a sufficiently developed to be able to write, then reading should be taught only after six.

Physical activity on the growing organism and can not speak. The child has not yet sufficiently developed osteo-muscular system, so long sitting behind a desk can lead to curvature of the spine is fragile. Moreover, if your baby is right-handed, he will have to climb right shoulder, if left-handed - left. So many children come to school with scoliosis. From a lengthy reading and writing will be tired eyes, because eye muscles are also still not improved. The result of these pressures can become blurred vision. And according to statistics, only five percent of first graders sit at the desk completely healthy.

No less damaging to the young organism causes and early fascination with computers. Preschool child is allowed to be with him only 10-20 minutes a week. And what can you teach a child in such a short time? Of course, anything, so should not even start.

Caution should approach the study of foreign languages. If baby bilingual parents, you can teach him freely. In two or three years, the child easily learns foreign languages. Learning with a teacher should only be undertaken if the child will have a chance to continue school and primary school. After one year without employment means loss of knowledge and money made for training.

Equally important, those involved with your child. Elementary school teacher who comes to kindergarten, not always familiar with the basics of pre-school pedagogy, so it is difficult sometimes to find the right approach to every kid. In addition, the child does not immediately get used to the new man. In this regard, it is better that the children watched and worked with them one and the same person. This form is widely used school-garden. Child after kindergarten starts primary school in his native walls. In such circumstances it is easier to perceive the school curriculum.

Another fad phenomenon - to give their offspring a specialized kindergarten, where you have to be from Monday to Friday. It has its pluses and minuses. The bad news is that the child will rarely see their parents, communication with which to him is very important. But you can not worry: the child will be attentive care, he will receive a hot meal, will be sanitary procedures. Nevertheless, caution is worth: some of these agencies base their curriculum on the theories of foreign psychologists and educators. However, many of these programs are not adapted to the Russian mentality, and we should not forget that your child grows and learns in Russia. If you do decide to use the services of a specialized kindergarten, be sure to get the advice of an experienced teacher-psychologist from the side. And then you can be sure that your child will get a decent base of the most elementary knowledge.

In any case, the final word rests with the parents. But we may still not worth pick in children childhood and sit down at the desk ahead of time? Moreover, psychologists advise to do so.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pregnancy and sex: dangerous or useful?

According to doctors, sex is usually not dangerous for pregnant women. Orgasm or stimulation of erogenous zones cause uterine contractions, but it can not lead to miscarriage. But remember that in the case of long-term persistent uterine contractions should immediately contact their doctor.

The best part: many of the women recognized that during pregnancy experienced more vivid sensations during orgasm and generally feel more willing to have sex than before conception. This is due to the fact that during the course of pregnancy in the body occur various changes affecting sexual activity and perception: the more blood rush to the pelvis, uterus and vagina becomes wider, the clitoris is slightly increased in size.

Regarding the issue of sexual practices in late pregnancy, there is also no restrictions on the condition that a woman's pregnancy proceeds normally, ie no bleeding, discharge, poor health. Well, it goes without a partner should be completely healthy.

There is also the problem that some men are afraid of having sexual relations with his wife in late pregnancy, fearing damage to the fetus. In this case, you can choose safe for the child and the couple poses or limit oral pleasure

What sex is the most disgusting?

American sexologists conducted a study on the subject, the fact that sex is the greatest source of irritation.

1. Selfishness (34%)

Not at all, and male. Ladies do not like when istorgnuv from your body's genetic material, the owner onogo their duty to the population is met, then the most brazen way to sleep.

2. The search for the mythical point of G (31%)

Which only has to withstand the torment of women trying to survive in cold blood vespers search for this curious point of partners: "My ex-boyfriend just exasperated the fact that the clock fingered me inside, trying to cause superorgazm. And every night we began precisely with these searches. Because for this stolen any desire to engage in sex with him. I have suffered, but one fine night I got tired of it ...", - said one respondent. Moreover, most of the activities of "G-search engines" affects women 21-35 years old.

3. Answer a call on his mobile phone (29%)

Some, not to the extent of hard-working men, even during sex continue to think about work, answering calls or remembering that you forgot to call a business partner. Most of the women surveyed believe that such a "business" you just cut all the "economy" and leave a phone that for these men in itself becomes an instrument of satisfaction.

4. Excessive voice activity (22%)

Respondents of both sexes unanimously agreed that the moans and sobs not only cause laughter, but most real irritation. Especially the conclusion of a variety of porn-introduction: "Oh-oh, ya, ya, give historical фантастиш!" or "Fuck me, fuck me, Harder, Harder !!!", or that Forest -" Baby, I'm already in you! " or "Yes!" Feel my boyfriend !!!".

5. Visit the toilet at the most interesting place (19%)

This strange "vzbryk" so repellent that he left without comment.

6. "Matsanie" female breast (16%)

Women do not like it when a man while fondling her breast produces sounds of smacking his lips, and all because for sex with a baby requires particularly perverse imagination.

7. "Let's do it-quick" (9%)

Sex does not accept the sprinters. In any case, with the female point of view.

8. Manifestation of "machismo" (8%)

Macho image attracts more men than women themselves, for whom sex-style I sexual жЫвотное "is more a sign of rudeness, rather than passion. Confirmed that such a "machismo" is quite common in the open spaces of the United States, is the fact that many respondents said the ladies - they lack the male tenderness and affection.

9. "Dirty" sex (5%)

Dirty swearing in bed, few people are attracted, especially if the source of folk wisdom is a wonderful half of humanity.

As you can see, in this survey, the majority claims it is for men. This is rational, but from a methodological point of view is wrong, because, certainly, and men have their "Hamburg score" for women.

Sex-charge in the morning

Introducing you charge is not easy, but ... sex. Yes, do not be surprised. Ironically, but sex is still a leader among the most unknown man of science.
It is ridiculous to say, but, here, for example, biceps and triceps to move we have already learned, but about the muscles needed for the perfect sex, forgotten. In this case there is a special method that will teach you to own the body perfectly. Spend a little time to exercise, and be sure that soon hear from the favorite: "You - the most perfect lover in the world!" Incidentally, these exercises are performed incomparable Marilyn Monroe.


№ 1.

First, do the exercise lying on his stomach on a flat surface. When the principle difficult to operate, it will be able to do it sitting at a desk or even while traveling in the subway.

1. Lie down on the floor on his stomach, his arms folded in the face, upris in their forehead.
2. Squeeze your buttocks - as hard as you can. Keep them in a strained state for 5-10 seconds, then relax.
3. After 10 sets for you to view your abdominals - the tension of together with the breech, then the effect will be even greater. Ideal - 5-10 exercises per day.

№ 2.

When execution of the first exercises will be basic and you can do it in any situation, the transition to training internal muscles. Tense and relax the pelvic floor muscles as if trying to hold her urine. Perform this exercise can be everywhere, the more often - the beam

№ 3.

To do the exercise more comfortable, sit in a chair with a folded back so that you can see your abdominals. Pull the belly and see what voltage power gives the best result - a smooth, flat stomach without the "bumps" muscles. Got it? Try to remember the feelings and train "blindly". And now the main thing: do all three exercises at the same time - you would not believe how much change your idea about the possibilities of your body!

№ 4.

1. Lie down on the floor face down, hands pull on the lead along the body.
2. Straining your back muscles, lift your body and throw back your head so to see the ceiling.
3. Descends slowly. <

Doing the exercises 3 times in a row, you'll get incredible flexibility of the body.

Second e

№ 1.

1. Sit on the floor, legs outstretched, hands on knees. <

This exercise is effective not only for strengthening muscles, but also to reduce the size of the thighs and buttocks.

№ 2.

1. Initial standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, focus on the heel.
2. Whirl toes looking inward, and then in the opposite direction. Made 7 of movements (and back).
3. Then sweep the weight on your toes and flailing heels in, and then in the opposite direction. Made 7 movements.

This exercise may seem strange, but the rotation of the feet muscles are strengthened inside the thighs - she realize how important this is!

№ 3.

1. Stand up against the wall, heels, buttocks and back should touch the surface. Relax the body, especially the gluteal muscles.
2 Squeeze buttocks, Pull the abdomen so that the basin as a "protruded" forward and broke away from the wall.
3. Secure the position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position.
Repeat 3 times.

In London, new fitness classes, classes in which increasing the frequency, intensity and quality of orgasm. Gymnastics begins with relaxation, during which participants introduce themselves in given situations, an instructor associated with emotional arousal. Then, the class focuses on different aspects of lovemaking: special exercises help to prolong sexual intercourse for men and achieve multiple orgasms in women. And, finally, the last phase of training involves simulation of various motions of sexual intercourse. This technique is called FASTER (the initial letters of the word "flexibility, agility, endurance, tone, endurance and rhythm").

It stimulates the muscles of the body involved in sex. The creator of a new gymnastics Richard Hilton claims that his fitness class - "a real way without much effort to improve sex life. According to the instructor, every fourth woman, who was pilot training, later experienced multiple orgasms first time in my life. "But many of them have already started menopause, - said Hilton. - In addition, all participants in the class noted that their sex life has improved significantly, and the level of sexual stamina has increased." Impressive!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Medical therapy impotence

Until recently, the main drugs used to treat impotence, was yohimbine. The effectiveness of its use does not exceed 10%. The need for long-term use of the drug (from several months to a year) and low efficiency of treatment makes this technique maloprimenimoy. The indications for the use of yohimbine is only psychogenic impotence.

Search pathogenetic reasonable, non-invasive, highly effective treatment of impotence was a success and the creation of drugs - inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type 5. The first drug of this group was sildenafil (Viagra), but now there are new drugs - tadalafil (Cialis), verdenafil (Levitra).

Such products help advance and maintain an erection during sexual intercourse. The indications for their use are organic and psychogenic impotence genesis. Contraindications for use by the patient is receiving nitrates in any dosage form.

Effectiveness of drugs - inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type 5 in patients with psychogenic and organic forms of impotence is 75-80% according to numerous studies.
Vacuum konstriktornye device (vacuum pump)

The method is to create a negative pressure in the cavernous bodies of the penis with a vacuum cylinder and pump (vacuum pump), which causes blood flow and erection, restrained by the imposition of the base member of a special contracting ring that restricts venous outflow.

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Effectiveness of the method reaches 40-50%, the rate of complications (subcutaneous hemorrhage, pain) does not exceed 5%. When ineffectiveness vacuum konstriktornuyu therapy can be used in combination with drug therapy, injections of vasoactive drugs, as well as to create complementary erection after penile prosthesis implantation.
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Erectile Dysfunction Cause

The term erectile dysfunction (ED) urologists understand the condition in which it is impossible to achieve or maintain a degree of erection of the penis, which allows a sexual act, to satisfy the sexual activity. Thus under erectile dysfunction understand arises sporadically or constantly recurring condition.

This delicate problem can occur at any age. According to statistics, about two out of ten adult men suffer from this ailment. And in men over the age of 60 years, erectile dysfunction occurs in 30% of cases. Many people, faced with this problem, do not rush to the doctor, try to treat erectile dysfunction in their own homes, people's money that does not work, and in some cases even promotes the progression of the disease.
You should always keep in mind that modern medicine is capable of much. Occupational physicians' he Clinic is able to help in 98% of cases, patients of any age.

Manifestations of erectile dysfunction:
- Sluggish and inadequate for sexual intercourse erection;
- The sudden disappearance of erection directly during sexual intercourse;
- Complete absence of erection.

As it happens, the physiology of erectile dysfunction
The penis contains cavernous bodies representing the two cylindrical formation with cavernous (spongy) structure. When sexual excitation nerve impulses lead to multiple, compared with the resting state, increasing blood flow to the cavernous bodies. The strong inflow of blood causes the expansion of spongy tissue and, as a result, the increase in size, increasing the elasticity of the penis. Continued during intercourse arousal and sexual stimulation support the level of blood flow, creating tension.
Upon the termination of stimulation or after ejaculation (ejaculation), is the outflow of blood from the penis and it takes its normal size and shape. Tension and relaxation of the penis - is not a simple physiological process that occurs as a result of the interaction of the central nervous system (CNS), peripheral nervous system, smooth muscles of blood vessels and cavernous bodies.
Thus, any violation in the work of one or more of these mechanisms or violation of delicate balance between them leads to the development of erectile dysfunction.

Traditionally, the share psychogenic (as a result of stress, neurosis, problems in the relationship), organic erectile dysfunction (as a side effect, and as a result of complications of various somatic diseases) and mixed. Until recently, the most common cause of erectile dysfunction were considered as stress, psychological problems in men. Currently, however, proved that the main cause of these states are organic disease. Therefore, to identify the true causes of disease and the appointment of proper treatment of erectile dysfunction should always be a comprehensive examination of the patient.

The most frequent causes of erectile dysfunction:

- Diabetic neuropathy (neurological injury during prolonged current diabetes) - Erectile dysfunction affects 35 to 50% of men with diabetes
- Diseases that cause circulatory disorders in the organs of the pelvis and penis (atherosclerosis)
- Some medications (hypnotics and tranquilizers, allergy medications, antidepressants, etc.)
- Spinal injuries, as well as surgical interventions on the pelvic
- Multiple sclerosis
- Hormonal disorders
- Alcoholism and drug dependency

Also lead to erectile dysfunction such non-organic causes, such as:

Neuroses and psychological problems. Sometimes erectile dysfunction is the result of stress.
Negative premonitions. Premonitions, which are tested in relation to the sexual partner, problems in relations with a partner - for example, fear of sexual failure or loss of interest can sometimes have a negative effect on potency.

Medical aid

In any man, even the most healthy, there may be a violation of potency. But if erectile dysfunction persists for more than two months, or is repeated periodically, should consult a doctor. The medical center "ON Clinic" at the first visit, which on average lasts about half an hour, a specialist urologist with the help of modern diagnostic methods to determine the cause of violations and propose an optimal method of treatment of erectile dysfunction for your particular case.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction

Due to unique methods of treatment of erectile dysfunction used in the medical center "It Clinic, a positive result is achieved regardless of the attendant problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease, as well as the patient's age. The effect is noticeable, usually after the first visit, and the statistics of the recovery is about 98%.

Today, everyone's hearing the names of drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction. However, you must know that these drugs are virtually helpless in the erectile violations associated with such ailments as atherosclerosis and diabetes, and are contraindicated for those who take nitratsoderzhaschie drugs.

At the International Medical Center ON CLINIC "there is no uniform for everyone, standardized methods of treatment.

For each case of disease specialists, urologists idividualno picked a course of treatment of erectile dysfunction, optimally suited for the patient, including using their own pharmacological development.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Children with Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome - a hereditary disease, trisomy of 21st chromosome (these chromosomes is three instead of two). Chromosomes are present in every cell of the body and contain a set of genes. Patient with Down syndrome are born with an extra chromosome.

The disease manifests many symptoms. These include specific facial features, delayed physical and mental development, problems with eyesight and hearing, heart pathologies. Severity of these symptoms in different people is very different. Some have raised serious problems, while others - they are less pronounced.

Down syndrome affects one out of 800 infants. This is one of the most common congenital diseases.

What Causes
The anomaly occurs at the moment of conception, during cell division. What it is called, is unknown. Down's syndrome child is not related to the behavior of the mother during pregnancy. We only know that women over age 35 give birth to a sick baby's risk increases. However, most children with Down syndrome (80%) born to mothers younger than 35 years.

To date, how to prevent the disease does not exist. Perhaps only by means of tests, even during pregnancy, to identify the risk or the presence of Down syndrome in the fetus.

Symptoms of Down Syndrome can be expressed in very different degrees. However, several features in common, usually found in all patients. These include:

* Flat face
* Slanted eyes
* Short neck
* Irregularly shaped ears
* A deep furrow in the center of the palm
* Thick tongue
* Hypotonia of muscles and weak joints
* Eyes with mottled iris
* Truncated hands and feet

Often Down syndrome in patients with mild or moderate degree of suffering mental retardation.

On the basis of outward signs of the doctor at birth may put a child diagnosed. Then the diagnosis is confirmed by genetic tests.

Future of the patient with Down syndrome
Development of children with Down syndrome is delayed. They are slower growing and shorter than peers. Can develop and co-morbidities:

* Heart defects
* Problems with vision and hearing
* Weakened immunity (susceptibility to infectious diseases)
* Problems with the bowel
* Problems with the thyroid
* Obesity
* Leukemia
* Early dementia

How to help the patient?
A child with Down syndrome can certainly help - to develop his abilities and give a chance to live a long happy life. First of all, you need to get an early start to treatment. An important component of it are special exercises for the development of speech, motor skills, and abilities. Talk to your doctor or psychologist. In some regions, there are special centers for teaching children with Down syndrome.
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Little victim of passive smoking

Passive smoking increases the risk of many diseases in children. Suffice it to mention birth defects, ear infections, respiratory diseases, asthma and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A growing body vulnerable to the influence of harmful chemical substances contained in smoke.

U.S. doctors believe that in the U.S. respiratory tract infections caused by passive smoking, are the cause of 7,5 - 15 thousand hospitalizations per year. Passive smoking also aggravates asthma symptoms, including causing more frequent attacks. It affects between 200 thousand to 1 million children a year.

The problem is that there is no harmless amount of smoke. To ensure the safety of the child in the house should not have to smoke.

How to create smoke-free environment for the child

That's what doctors recommend:

* Do not smoke at home and in the car. Do not allow others to do so.
* Ask others not to smoke near your baby.
* Until you quit, do it on the street. Even if you open the window or go into another room for a child that is not enough.
* Teach your child to stay away from smokers and smoke.
* Make sure that the school (or other institution where the child spends time) do not smoke.
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Sleep with the child: is it good?

When Vanya just born, Mama Lena was not going to take him to his bed. Returning from the hospital, she was putting her son in the cradle and includes Baby Monitor at full volume to hear it posapyvanie in a dream. Take her son to her husband suggested that Lena, who said that since they will all sleep better.

Studies show that nearly half of parents sleeping with their children at least part of the night. Some of this is pushing desperate desire to sleep. Employed mothers through the sharing of sleep may be a little more time to stay near the child.

Before you make your choice, should consider the risks and discuss this issue with your partner. Some couples take the child to bed in the second half of the night to have time to spend with each other alone.


When a child is sleeping beside the mother feels calmer. Joint sleep also contributes to prolonged breastfeeding. At three o'clock in the morning much easier to feed the baby when he is near. To do this, do not even have to fully wake up. Some children are breast instinctively, without even starting to cry.


Parents may inadvertently crush the child, turning in bed. The large pillow is too soft a mattress filled with water or a child can suffocate.

While not fully understood, does sleeping together on the probability of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Some studies have shown that children who are breastfed and sleeping with their parents, subject to this risk to a lesser extent.

Child in the same bed with adults? Remember the precautions:

* Give up alcohol, drugs and drugs that cause drowsiness. Even the widely used pain relievers and antihistamines can make sleep more deeply and create a danger to the child.
* Check the bed and bedding. The mattress should not be too soft. Child should not be put next to a pillow or folded blankets wide.
* Do not coddle the child. In the adult bed warmer than in the crib. The child does not need a multi-layered clothing or pajamas. They can cause overheating, which increase the risk of SIDS.
* Lay the child on her back. In the crib, this posture is also very safe.
* The beds should not be voids, in which a child may fail. The mattress should fit snugly inside the headrest and sides.
* Remove the jewelry at night, do not wear clothes with strings, it can lead to suffocation.
* Never put your baby to bed with my brothers and sisters, and do not let the nurse to sleep with him. They do not feel so good baby, as parents.
* Be especially careful if you are overweight. Because of the increased load mattress can strongly bend, and this will lead to crushing of the child.
* Do not sleep with your child on the sofa. This increases the risk.

If you want to be closer to the child, but to sleep with him in the same bed does not seem right to you, just slide the crib close to her.
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Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

The term "sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) understand the sudden unexplained death of a child under 1 year. SIDS is sometimes called the "death in the cradle. However, it is associated only with the fact that most children in this age are in the cradles themselves cribs to SIDS are not related.

Risk Groups

* Sudden death most often are children aged from 2 to 4 months.
* In children Caucasian SIDS is less common in children than blacks.
* SIDS happens more often in boys than in girls.
* The risk of SIDS increases maternal smoking during pregnancy and child inhaling smoke after birth.
* The risk is more pronounced for the first children of mothers under 20 years.
* If the mother was not observed by a doctor during pregnancy or later rose to records.
* Preterm and low birthweight children.

Causes SIDS

The causes of SIDS are unknown, and research in this direction are continuing. Scientists studying the nervous system, brain, heart, respiratory system, biochemical balance in the body, autopsy data and the impact of the environment. Rather, the development of SIDS affects a combination of factors.

In some cases, found that SIDS cases developed in children with congenital pathology of the brain that has arisen under the influence of harmful substances or as a result of fetal hypoxia.

In newborns with anomalies greater the risk of oxygen starvation, overheating and infectious diseases, which, in turn, may cause SIDS. Version of the infectious nature of the syndrome accounts for the fact that the majority of sudden infant deaths occur during the cold season, when the most common respiratory and enterovirus infections.

Is it possible to prevent SIDS?

Not yet. However, some measures help reduce the risk of SIDS. Here's what you can to make this:

* Give up smoking. If a woman smoked during pregnancy, the risk of SIDS in a child increases by 3 times. When passive smoking increases the risk of sudden death in 2 times.
* Observe the doctor during pregnancy. Nutrition, smoking cessation and alcohol, and early production on account of pregnancy helps to prevent disease, increase the risk of SIDS.
* Put your baby to sleep on their backs. According to research in countries where children are placed to sleep on their backs, SIDS cases recorded in 2 times less than in countries where children are placed to sleep on his stomach. Sleep on your side is also less risk compared to sleeping on his stomach. Sleep on your back is the best provision for children from 1 month to 1 year. If the child is sleeping on his side, it is desirable to advance forward arm underneath. This will reduce the likelihood that the child will turn over in his sleep on your stomach.
* Children's mattress should be tight. Not recommended to use soft mattresses, sofas, mattresses, water and other soft surfaces.
* Remove from baby crib all soft and fluffy things (fluffy pillows, blankets, soft toys, etc.). They increase the risk of suffocation.
* Make sure your child's face during sleep in public. Quilt or blanket should not fall on him. It is recommended to shelter the child only to his chest. The curtain should be tucked under the mattress.
* Do not overheat baby. During sleep in the room should be warm but not hot. The temperature of the child should be comfortable for an adult. Can lead to overheating of the use of multi-layer blankets and bedspreads. Overheating increases the likelihood of SIDS in children suffering from colds or infectious disease. Possible symptoms of overheating: sweating, damp hair, rash, rapid breathing, anxiety, and sometimes - the temperature increase.
* If possible, breast-feeding. Shown that children who are on feeding tubes, more prone to SIDS. Breast milk contains antibodies that protect the child from certain infectious, respiratory and gastro-intestinal diseases.
* Be sure to regularly visit a pediatrician and timely make your baby vaccinated.

Should I take the child to bed?

Many pediatric organizations do not recommend sleeping with your child because of the increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Adults in alcohol or drug intoxication could crush a baby. Another risk factor - sleeping on soft sofas and other soft surfaces. The most safe for the young child is the cradle.

At the same time, some doctors have a positive attitude to co-sleep with children. It allows you to extend breastfeeding and contributes to the convergence of the mother and child. However, there is no scientific evidence that while the risk of SIDS decreases.

Choosing sleeping together for the period of breast-feeding should observe the same precautions as when device sleeping child in a separate bed. The child is better to sleep on their backs. Not recommended to use soft pillows and blankets. We must also make sure that the child does not fall into the gap between the mattress and bed frame, wall or other furniture.

Decision on joint sleep desirable to discuss with the pediatrician.
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